I make art as part of my mental health survival skills. I don't sell anything, just make and share. I make drawings, watercolor paintings and non-ai digital art.
I'm a father of 3 and worker-drone at a super-mega-corporation. I'm originally from Northeast Michigan but currently reside in San Diego California with my husband of 12 years.
For much of my life I've felt the need to do and create things with genuine feeling and deep meaning, but it wasn't until 2024, 7 or so months after my husband and I moved to San Diego that I fully embraced myself as an artist and gave myself permission to do so.
For decades I wandered emotionally, spiritually and mentally through many valleys of darkness until I finally sought help. When I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD so many things became clear. But that's also when the real work of recovery began.
As a new visual artist, I am still finding my artistic voice. I find the words and images of Wassily Kandinsky to be both comforting and inspiring. Comforting because for the most part I don't know what I'm doing most of the time, I just make what feels right. And inspiring because I know he was an artistic genius who understood that for all the knowledge, skill and experience he held, his philosophy was simple.
"Lend your ears to music, open your eyes to painting, and... stop thinking! Just ask yourself whether the work has enabled you to 'walk about' into a hitherto unknown world. If the answer is yes, what more do you want?" — Wassily Kandinsky
Most of my artwork is about my personal journey of healing of abuse I experienced during childhood, and navigating the resulting depression and Complex PTSD. As such, my art is a mix of unbalanced intuition, experimentation and intention. Each composition contains a piece of my story, my current or past feelings of a memory or event from my past. Elements of the deep and dark or the fun and lively, or sometimes both.
Creating art has enabled me to do exactly as Kandinsky suggests, but not only walk about into an unknown world, but into my world, that I must live in.
Cheers, Steven
I am Steven Preston.
Resident of Earth.
He / Him / They / Whatever
I am not currently accepting new clients, but it never hurts to ask. Work experience
Yes, I have work experience.
I am still learning. Are you?