Thank you for visiting my Digital Artworks Gallery. This gallery is still being built, so please check in often as I am regularly new works.
I was challenged by one of my social media followers to do a monochrome composition. This is what I came up with. I'm pretty happy with it. He liked it to, so it's a keeper.
My homage to Vinyl records and Eighties Music legend Tommy Tutone. If you're of a certain age, you may not know that "867-5309 - Jenny" was a hugely popular song in the early 1980's. Also, if you are of a certain age, you're welcome. We had the best music.
Admit One is mostly just an exercise in composition, but, there are a couple easter eggs in there for anyone who's known me for a long, long time. Although, they are subtle and it has been so long they probably wouldn't get it anyway.
Most of my artwork is about healing the open wounds of childhood trauma, abuse, depression, and the resulting PTSD. This was a big one. And that's probably all I'll say about that.
At the time, I figured it made sense to pay homage to my new home city.
I've heard this question posed since I was a child. Which came first, the chick or the egg? Well, now you don't have to know. I give you both, the chicken and the egg! I can't say with any certainty why I chose a green background for this image, but I like it.
I liked the original so I wanted to see if I could make a similar one, but also make it mine. So I did.
When it comes to chronic mental health issues, I feel like containment is the best some of us can hope for. Avoid these colors. Take these pills. Meet this Doctor. Do these motions. Take these other pills. Check those locks. Turn off the lights. Stay up late/Get up early. Avoid people/visit people. We do our best to make it through each day without a glimmer of hope for a cure. Just containment.
Donald Trump said he'd only be a dictator for "one day"
I always thought Eggplant was such a weird name and strange looking thing. Is it a vegetable or a fruit? I am an egg lover, so here's my Egg Plant. No more arguing.
I'm not really a fan of actual space, I like air too much I guess. I am definitely a land animal. And I don't see much value in trillion dollar pissing matches over who will do it first or better & what-not. But I also love Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Dr Who and other space and time traveling fantasies. It's a conundrum.
Linda's favorite color is purple
Widely known as "Glamis" and a favorite location for off-highway vehicle enthusiasts, the dunes also offer fabulous scenery, opportunities for solitude, and a home to rare plants and animals. It wasn't until I made California my home that I discovered this breathtaking locale, so what else could I do but create a special piece of personal iconography to commemorate my discovery.
Nostalgic childhood dreams of more candy than I could eat in a lifetime, Making Green is inspired by the imagination that powered Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
I often have days where everything feels "off" and some how out of alignment with the world.
My first major personal art project. Each element aside from fonts used, was created from scratch. The entire image is a shade of orange with the exception of the leaf.
Organic abstract composition based on a drawing from my sketchbook.
Inspired by the Pac-Man video game, a 1980s maze action video game where the player controls Pac-Man, who must eat all the dots inside an enclosed maze while avoiding four colored ghosts. Eating large flashing dots called "Power Pellets" causes the ghosts to temporarily turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to eat them for bonus points.
I think I was hungry when creating this one. But when I was done, it looked like a plate of food, hence the name.
In this piece I explore the path of life we are all traveling. We are not all traveling the same path but they do cross on occasion. We may meet for a few moments before continuing on, or we may sit together a while and get to know each other a little.
Composition Study
Inspired by the closing of one of the last original Strip casinos in Vegas with Mob ties. After 67 years in operation, the Strip’s third-oldest casino shut its doors for good on April 2nd 2024.
A study in composition
Compostion Study
Driving home from work one day and saw a solar halo so I had to mark the occasion in art.
Historicaly, queer folk living openly would surely bring legal trouble, or worse. Symbolism has taken many forms through the ages. Today everyone now knows the rainbow colored Pride Flag as the universal symbol of the LGBTQ+ community. But before that, there was the Pink Triangle.
A composition study
The following Untitled Abstract Series is the rusults of a study of color and texture completed in September of 2024. Created in Affinity Designer.
Fading Circles a series about the changing of seasons, both litterally and figuratively. Change typically happens gradually so we don't often notice until there's a significant difference between where we are vs. where we thought we where.
Thank you for visiting my Digital Artworks Gallery, I hope you enjoyed it. Please come back soon to see what's new, as I am regularly working on new art.